September 19, 2018
On this day in 1814 Boston first learned the details of the defense of Baltimore on September 12. "Tomorrow decides the fate of Baltimore". See: Boston Daily Advertiser for Monday, Sep 19, 1814, Boston, MA, Vol: VII Issue: 16 Page: 3, on

From the Editor’s desk:

detail courtesy of

After a year of editing the previous version of this blog as an on-line edition of the Baltimore City Historical Society Newsletter, it was decided to revert the newsletter to a print edition the current edition of which is delivered as an exclusive benefit to members. That left the question of how to alert the internet world to current and past research on Baltimore City History and also provide a permanent forum for short, documented essays on topics related to the City’s history. As a service to those interested in studying and communicating the history of our communities, and to provide a searchable environment for those who wish to participate in probing the City’s past, the editorial board of this blog offers it to the public.

If you should have a documented essay that you believe would be of interest to our readership and would like it considered for publication here, please feel free to send it on to Comments about current research and about publications relating to the city’s history are are also welcome. Use the “Have a Question about Baltimore City History” on this blog.